Nutritional Therapy
“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates
Still sound advice today – literally, you are what you eat!
Nutritional therapy uses foods and dietary mangagement as powerful therapeutic tools, based on scientific research and evidence.
This discipline is grounded in naturopathic principles, preventing disease, healing, and enhancing health through the belief that the body has an inherent ability to heal itself when given appropriate nutrition.
Nutritional Therapy for you…
Food and health are linked in many complicated ways, our nutrtitional therapist can tailor a plan uniquely for you.
Unsuitable dietary choices, excessive stress, lack of exercise, and overindulgence in stimulants (such as alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine), all contribute to low energy, compromised immunity, and impaired mental functioning. Nutritional therapy offers a balanced, holistic approach to the prevention, diagnosis and management of disease, seeking and addressing the root cause of the problem rather than treating symptoms.

What is Nutritional Therapy?
A Nutritional Therapist will analyse your lifestyle and diet while considering how best to tailor a nutritional plan so you can achieve your health goals.

Who can benefit from it?
There is a wide range of conditions for which nutritional therapy can help but you don’t have to suffer from any particular condition to benefit, it can enhance your overall health, lift your mood, and boost your vitality!

What research is there?
There is so much written about food that it’s a wonder anyone can work out what is ‘right’ to eat.
Beyond lifestyle magazines and cooking programes there is a wealth of research to support the role nutrition can play on certain conditions (see below).

Why us?
Maureen Houston is our nutritional therapist and she’s passionate about the power of nutritional therapy.
As a BANT member she keeps up to date with the latest research, and has completed a Masters in Weight loss & Obesity Management.
Nutritional Therapy
So powerful is the food we eat that it is capable of causing disease. It also has the ability to heal, enhance health, and boost energy and vitality, depending upon our choices.
Nutritional therapy is a way of preventing, managing, and alleviating various clinical conditions by changing what you eat. It is based on latest scientific research, combined with naturopathic principles: the body has an inherent ability to heal itself when given appropriate nutrition. We all have different needs, and what is appropriate for one person may be totally inappropriate for another.
Nutritional therapy seeks and addresses the root cause of the problem, rather than treating symptoms.
Weight Loss
In addition to her nutrition qualifications and experience, Maureen is the only practitioner in Oxfordshire to hold a Master’s degree in obesity and weight management.
She has had tremendous success in helping hundreds of people achieve their ideal weight – and keep those pounds off permanently – in many instances improving serious medical conditions such as arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
Maureen’s unusual approach has proved time and again the importance of a personalised programme for each patient, both in their dietary recommendations and their exercise regime.
Being accountable to somebody who will keep you on track, providing you with practical tips, delicious food ideas, and constant encouragement, is what ensures your ultimate success in your weight-loss journey.
Nutritional Therapy at Summertown Clinic
What to expect at your appointment
You will be asked to complete a health questionnaire and food diary before your first visit. Your consultation lasts for an hour and a half, reviewing your medical and family medical history, lifestyle, general eating patterns and preferences.
We will discuss your health concerns and goals, then do a dietary analysis. Working together, we will develop a nutritional programme just for you. Appropriate exercise is always included as part of the ‘nutritional prescription’.
You’ll be asked to keep a daily journal recording your food and drink, exercise, and symptoms, so we can monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your programme. Follow-up appointments are usually at two-week intervals, and you’ll be asked to set specific goals that you intend to achieve each time.
To book an appointment…
Please speak to Maureen directly so she can make sure you appropriate for her care and arrange your apppointment herself.
Our Nutritional Therapist:
Maureen Houston is an experienced nutritional therapist with an academic background in obesity and weight loss management

Maureen Houston has had a lifelong passion for food, and enthusiasm for fitness and health. This led to her studying health science and clinical nutrition at the University of Westminster, and completing a Masters degree in obesity and weight management at the University of Chester in 2011. She attends monthly lectures in all aspects of nutrition and related topics, keeping abreast of constantly changing opinions and new discoveries in this field.
Treatment Pricing
Treatment is on a per appointment basis as below.
These prices are correct up at time of publication – for any information about concessions, please contact us.

First Appointment
£110 - 90mins

Follow Up Consultation
£75 - 60mins

Telephone Consultation
As face to face appointments aren’t always possible or desirable we’ve been doing online consultations which have proved both popular and effective.