Arthritic Pain

What is Arthritic Pain?


Helping you keep healthy in later life
Everybody gets grey hair and wrinkles as they age, In the same way, it is normal for muscles, bones, joints and associated tissues to change. Ageing does not necessarily mean that we will experience increased pain or stiffness. However, if this does become a problem, people often find that treatment and advice from an osteopath can complement GP care and pharmaceutical products. If you do begin to notice problems, an osteopath can work with you to keep you healthier, allowing you to enjoy the pleasures of life into your later years.


People in their 50's have OA in their knees

Most commonly affected joints:

  1. Knees
  2. Hips
  3. Hands
  4. Spine

Shoulder, Elbow and Ankles too…

UK Population with Arthritis

How Can We Help?

You don’t have to put up with aches and pains simply because you are getting older. In fact, many people find it helpful to talk to an osteopath about ways of keeping active, preventing common problems such as falls, or managing conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatic pain and osteoporosis. Osteopathic care is based on the individual needs of the patient and so varies depending on your age, fitness levels and diagnosis. Osteopaths use a wide range of gentle hands-on techniques, focusing on releasing tension, stretching muscles and improving mobility.


Advice as you get older

Although aches and pains may be a common element of ageing, they don’t have to get in the way of any lifestyle. Here are some tips to keep you healthy and active:

  • 150 minutes of exercise per week, in blocks of ten minutes or more (enough to make you warmer and breathe harder, while still being able to have a conversation) can help reduce the risk of circulation problems and falls. This might include activities such as dancing or brisk walking. It can also help to improve your mood and levels of confidence.
  • Make sure you eat a healthy, varied diet.
  • Doing some form of balance exercises twice a week (for example, Qi Gong, or yoga) is also recommended to help reduce the risk of falling, particularly for the over-65s
  • Try to also include exercises that strengthen your arms, legs and body
  • The use of trainers or similar footwear can help absorb shocks and take the pressure off knees, hips and spine when walking for longer periods.

For more advice on keeping healthy as you get older ask our practitioners.

What to expect

Although it is natural to worry about symptoms and the cause, an osteopath will always complete a routine examination that checks for more serious diagnoses and will advise and discuss any further action that might be required. After this examination, an osteopath will discuss treatment options to jointly decide an appropriate and suitable treatment plan, along with any likely associated costs.

This plan may involve several visits and, very occasionally, further tests and/or referrals to another appropriate health care professional. Treatment may begin at the first appointment. There may be mild discomfort afterward, but in most cases, this will pass within 24 hours. Any concerns about treatment should be discussed further with your osteopath and you are more than welcome to bring someone with you to your consultation. Growing older doesn’t mean accepting every ache!

Osteopaths are highly trained professionals who are skilled in diagnosing health issues, including those which may require further investigation. When first visiting an osteopath, they will ask about any current symptoms and medical history. All information will be treated as confidential in accordance with the standards of practice set out by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), May 2018.

An Osteopath...

Arthritis is often perceived by patients I see as being untreatable, a slow deterioration that can’t be slowed, or stopped. For most of my patients this isn’t true, as is one of the reasons I really enjoying helping people with arthritic pain.

I often find that by working on companion joints that work around the arthritic joint, and associated muscle we can create the space for the arthritic joint to recover to more manageable levels. This can then allow my patients to begin an exercise regime to help reduce the impact of the arthritis and redevelop their strength and confidence. I often see an associated improvement in general activity and self-esteem as the realisation that this condition isn’t going to imprison the patient and that normal function can resume becomes a reality. 

A Chiropractor

Chiropractors can help alleviate arthritic pain through a range of techniques designed to improve joint mobility, reduce inflammation, and restore function to affected areas. Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints and can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling. Chiropractic care can be an effective complementary therapy to traditional medical treatments for arthritis, helping to improve overall quality of life for those suffering from the condition.

Chiropractors use a range of techniques to treat arthritis, depending on the type and severity of the condition. One technique is spinal manipulation, which involves using controlled force to mobilize the spine and other joints in the body. This can help reduce pain and stiffness in the affected joints, and improve overall joint function.

Don’t just take our word for it:

Evidence and Research

There is strong evidence suggesting that exercise in general can help patients manage the pain of hip and knee osteoarthritis, but it needs to be appropriate and tailored to you. In the NICE guidelines, which are evidence based recommendations for health and care in England, manual therapy (like Osteopathy and Chiropractic) are recommended:

“There was strong evidence for the benefit of manual therapy alone compared with exercise. Again the design of this study reflects usual physiotherapy [osteopathy/chiropractic] practice, where there is limited evidence for the
benefit of exercise for hip osteoarthritis.” link

“You may be offered treatment called ‘manual therapy’, which is provided by a physiotherapist or other healthcare professional [osteopath/chiropractor] and involves manipulation and stretching techniques. This is most likely to help if you have osteoarthritis of the hip.” link

I’d had back pain for 2 years on and off, and even needed time off work for it. It was only after my GP told me to try James Ruddick that I decided to get it looked at. I’m so pleased I did, I’ve not had any back pain since my first treatment, and now I know how to look after it myself too!


I don’t know what I’d do without Atlanta, she’s a great osteopath, and has kept me moving despite my arthritic knees. – I’d highly recommend her!”


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